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Of the 7,000 known rare diseases, less than 10% have an available treatment option. Since 2007, through our dedicated business unit Recordati Rare Diseases, we’ve focused on helping the few who suffer from little known conditions. Our mission is to reduce the impact of rare and devastating diseases by providing urgently needed medicines in key therapeutic areas.

We believe that health, and the opportunity to live life to the fullest, is a right, not a privilege. We want to give people the opportunity to unlock the full potential of life.

Recordati provides medicines across a range of therapeutic areas. 
Our core therapy areas include:


Your endocrine system is comprised of a network of glands in your body that produces and secrete hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers that carry information and instructions from one part of the body to another, that control or regulate many bodily functions, including growth and development, metabolism, reproduction, and mood, among others. Many diseases may impact how the varied endocrines glands work in the body, resulting in disordered hormone production and secretion which may underlie burdensome, and in some cases, life-threatening syndromes and condition if left untreated.


Some of these diseases are rare and only affect a few people globally. These conditions are often difficult to diagnose due to lack of awareness of varied signs and symptoms, which can result in delayed diagnosis and/or undertreatment. Recordati Rare Disease is focused on targeted endocrine conditions associated with high unmet need and burden and is committed to providing better treatment options and solutions for patients, with a particular focus on improving the lives of those suffering from pituitary and adrenal gland dysfunction(s) or related conditions, which can impact growth and metabolism imbalances.


The human body is made up of trillions of cells. When these cells become old or damaged, they die, and need be replaced with new ones. Normally, human cells grow and multiple through cell division to create these new cells as they are needed. This cell division and cell growth is self-regulated and self-limited in normal conditions. Sometimes, however, this process doesn’t happen as it should – and abnormal or damaged cells (so called mutated cancer cells) can grow where they shouldn’t, sometimes forming harmful cancerous tumours. Cancerous tumours can start anywhere and can spread to other parts of the body, these are called malignant tumours. Tumours can also be benign, meaning they grow but they don’t spread through the body and tend not to create problems. Recordati Rare Diseases focuses on some of the rarest cancers, in both adult and paediatric indications, where very few treatment options exist.

Metabolic & other

Metabolic diseases can be caused by several genetic defects, causing abnormal accumulation of metabolites and/or defect in others. These inborn errors of metabolism affect neonates, children and adults. Since it was founded, Recordati Rare Diseases has been focussing on rare metabolic conditions, many of which can be difficult to diagnose and can be life-threatening.
  • Recordati Rare Diseases Foundation aims to organise training on rare diseases to improve diagnosis and spread currently available knowledge on therapeutic options.

  • The organization promotes scientific sharing of experience and knowledge between centre of expertise and specialists across the globe.

  • Every year, the Foundation proposes tailored face to face courses that aim to provide physicians, worldwide, with clinically useful and the most up-to-date information concerning current knowledge and recommendations for care.

  • The Foundation has delivered over 70 courses to over 3000 healthcare professionals since its creation.

Interested in joining our team?

We foster an entrepreneurial environment where high-performing individuals are empowered to make a difference across our organisation.

To report a side effect following the use of Recordati AB products, Contact us.

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The personal data that you provide by compiling this form will be used by Recordati Industria Chimica e Farmaceutica S.p.A. (“Recordati”) – the “Data Controller” – solely for performing activities connected with the provision of the email alert service and it will be processed manually, by computer and via the internet in a manner that will guarantee its security and confidentiality. It is not compulsory for you to give your data, however, if you refuse to allow it to be processed, then it will be impossible for Recordati to provide you with the above-mentioned service. Your personal data may be passed on to other companies that belong to the RECORDATI Group or to associate companies of the Group and to third parties that Recordati uses to provide the service to you.


In any event we assure you that your data will be processed solely for the above purposes and using the above methods.


The company Tech Style S.r.l. has been appointed as external Data Processor in accordance with Art. 29 of the Privacy Code, because it has been engaged to maintain the technological part of the website. The Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Communication of Recordati S.p.a. has been appointed as internal Data Processor of Recordati in accordance with article 29 of the Privacy Code.


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Requests must be sent to the Data Processor of Recordati:
   by email, to the address: INVER@recordati.it;
   or by ordinary mail to Recordati Industria Chimica e Farmaceutica S.p.A. – Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications – 1 Via Civitali – 20148 Milan.


In accordance with article 23 of Legislative Decree No. 196/03 on personal data protection, having read the above information, I hereby authorise Recordati S.p.A. to process my personal data for the purposes set out in that same information. I am aware that if I refuse, Recordati will not be able to enable its email alert service for me.


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